First skype since the new announcement!!
March 3, 2019
Hey guys! Another week down for this guy. And unfortunately it was a week where not much happened. So here's a bunch of small things from this week that made it pretty good.
A spider (a pretty big one I might add) climbed on Elder Sau and scared him pretty bad. Elder Sau, being the big guy he is, is pretty scared of spiders.... so when he saw this big one he screamed like a little girl and had to walk around for a while. I couldn't help but laugh at him haha.
A member in our ward made me some mashed potatoes, that was a nice piece from home :)
ummmmm the burgers that we usually get for lunch were extra tasty this week haha
This guy just got back from working abroad for 6 years and he wants to be taught because his family is all members. So that's pretty much a guaranteed baptism. Sadly I don't think I'll be here in Mapandan much longer to see it :(
But anyways that was my week! Nothing special. And sorry, another week with no pictures. I'm trying to get better at that (sorry mom)
Love you guys!
Elder McDonald
Date: February 15, 2019
To: General Authorities; General Auxiliary Presidencies;
Area Seventies; Stake, Mission, MTC, and District
Presidents; Bishops and Branch Presidents
From: Missionary Department (1-801-240-2222)
Subject: Missionaries Communicating with Their Families
The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently approved updates to the
missionary communication policy. Effective immediately, missionaries are authorized to
communicate with their families each week on preparation day via text messages, online
messaging, phone calls, and video chat in addition to letters and emails. Missionaries are
encouraged to communicate with their families using the approved method that works best for
them and their families.
The means of communication may vary depending on the circumstances, location, and
schedule of the missionary and family. If a missionary’s parents live in different locations, the
missionary may contact each parent separately. It is not expected that missionaries will call or
video chat with their parents every week.
In addition to communicating weekly on preparation day, missionaries also are encouraged to
communicate with their families on special occasions such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s
Day, their parents’ birthdays, and other holidays that are significant in the missionary’s home
country or culture.
Missionaries should initiate all text message conversations, online messaging, phone calls, and
video chats. If a family needs to contact the missionary directly, they should contact the mission
president first.
When communicating with their families, missionaries should be wise in considering the
duration of phone calls and video chats. In making these decisions, they should be considerate of
their companions and keep in mind the purpose of their service.
Missionaries should choose cost-effective methods of communication so they can stay within
their monthly budgets. They may use Wi-Fi at Church buildings and computers at public libraries,
internet cafes, and other public facilities to initiate online messaging and video chats with their
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