March 10, 2019
Hey guys! Sorry I know most weeks I'm talking about spiders but let me tell ya, this one is worth sharing...

So one night, Elder Sau thought he saw something moving around behind our bucket of rice so he asked me to check it out. I look over my shoulder and see a freaking dinosaur on our wall! That thing was so huge! Elder Sau could tell I was freaking out a little so he came to check it out with me. And he about passed out haha he's so scared of spiders! Anyway this spider probably could tell we were plotting to kill it because it started to move. Which scared us even more, I had never screamed so high pitched in my life hahaha. So because of the size of this spider, I was too scared to just squish it. So I did the only thing I thought I could, I grabbed a lighter and some bug spray and I set that thing on fire hahaha. Let me tell you about the size of this thing... this spider was bigger than your entire hand. Bigger than your phone. 3 times bigger than my missionary name tag! I've got some pictures but they don't really do it justice. It's bigger than it looks in the pictures!

And in case you're wondering, no I did not sleep that night haha.

Also, ignore the pictures of my neck haha. Those are for my mom :)

Elder McDonald 


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