First full week in the field

Sunset in Mangaldan
October 21, 2018
"Good Morning! Or for you guys, night. Haha!

This week was like a rollercoaster. Some days we great and others were tough.

The more tough days were because of my lack of knowledge in the language. 99% of the time I don't know what's going on. And it's hard to participate in lessons. A lot of times I didn't have the motivation to work. But I know I need to fulfill my purpose, so I put on my big boy pants and go to work.

The more better days are the days I don't focus on the language and focus on the people and their needs. And on those days, I can better understand and speak the language. It's funny how that works haha. I'm not entirely sure if they can understand me though or if they're just nodding there heads like they do to make me feel better haha. But for the most part I'm quiet. People constantly say "Elder McDonald! Are you ok?" or "You're the most quiet Elder I have met." It's very embarrassing because I don't like coming across as weak or shy.

There is a lot of storms here, and I love storms. There is so much lighting and that's probably my favorite part of the Philippines besides the people.

Sorry for the shorter email!

I love and miss you all so much!
Elder McDonald"
Attempting to "gather His sheep"
Elder McDonald and his Provo MTC companion Elder Summerville


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